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GitOps Continuous Deployment: FluxCD Advanced CRDs

FluxCD is a powerful ecosystem of GitOps operators that can be enabled on-demand as per the requirement of your environment. It enables you to opt-in for the features you need and to disable the ones you don't.

As the complexity and requirement of your environment grows, so does the need for extra tooling to cover the implementation of the features you need.

FluxCD comes with more than just the support for Kustomization and HelmRelease. With FluxCD, you can also manage your Docker images as new versions get built. You can also get notified of the events that happen on your behalf by the FluxCD operators.

Stick till the end to see how you can take your Kubernetes cluster to the next level using advanced FluxCD CRDs.

GitHub Actions Dynamic Matrix

GitHub Actions is a powerful CI/CD tool that allows you to automate your software development workflow. It provides a wide range of features and capabilities.

One of the features that I found very useful is the ability to define a matrix strategy for your jobs. This allows you to run the same job with different parameters, such as different versions of a programming language.

However, there are times when you need to define the matrix dynamically based on the output of a previous job. For example, you may want to run a job for each directory if and only if the directory contains a specific file or has changed since the last commit.

In this post, I will show you how to define a dynamic strategy matrix in GitHub Actions using a real-world example.