How to Set Up Preview Environments for Pull Requests¶
Have you ever been frustrated at long merge queues? Did you ever wish there was a better and faster way to get feedback on your code changes and approval from your team members?
You may have also been on the other side of the table, reviewing pull requests and wishing there was a better way to actually test the revisions before approving it; giving you a sense of what it would feel and look like if it were to merge.
Netlify and other frontend hosting services have spoiled us with the ability to spin up a live instance of the application for each pull request for static files. But what about backend applications? How can we achieve the same and deploy our backend for every new proposed change in pull requests?
In this blog post, we will explore how to set up preview environments for each pull request using GitHub Actions and Kubernetes. This guide includes spinning up the application as a live instance with an internet accessible URL to preview and verify the changes before they find their way into the main trunk.
When working in a team environment, it's common to adopt the pull-request style for collaborations. This ensures that the quality of the codebase is maintained having some guardrails to avoid merging changes that are undesired and/or do not meet a certain standard of the team.
This process can become tedious, especially at scale and working with more than a few team members. Although there are tools and practices to help with the coordination and overhead associated with code reviews, there is still an ongoing maintainance cost when it comes to keeping up with the flow and pace of changes proposed to the codebase, i.e., pull requests.
One of the main reasons code reviews are tough to deal with is the efforts required to spin up the application as proposed in the pull request. Any of the modern day applications today depend on many services, e.g., databases, caches, queues, etc.
Not only that it is not easy to set up all these dependencies right out of the box, the communication between the application and these services is often a giant undertaking on its own, perhaps nothing less than setting up a full production environment; we all know how cumbersome that can be due to the planning and operational mindset required.
Furthermore, the application and all its dependent services need computation power and resources to run. This is challenging when your production environment is working at scale of a country, continent, or even the world. Imagine having to deploy Zookeeper, Kafka, and Cassandra locally just to test a small change in the application. It's not only time-consuming but also resource intensive.
That is where the preview environments come into play. It allows you to see the live state of the application as proposed in the pull request, with all the bells and whistles, without having to set up the environment yourself.
What is a Preview Environment?¶
A preview environment is a live instance of the application that is spun up after each push to the pull request branch. This environment is usually an identical copy of the dev or ideally prod environment with all the services and dependencies that the application relies on. If the application needs to talk to a database or the cache system, those communications are also set up in the preview environment.
The whole point of preview environments is to help the author of the pull request and other team members to see the application as it would look like if the changes were to merge. This helps in speeding up the feedback loop and the approval process, as the reviewers can see the changes in action and verify that they are desirable.
What's more, the preview environment helps reduce the procrastination factor to zero, not requiring any of the reviewers to go through the manual labor of pulling the changes and setting up the environment locally to see the new state of the application. As a result, the feedback loop is shortened and the merge queue less congested.
To help better replicate the production environment, the preview environment is usually designed in a way that closely resembles that environment, or at least as close as possible. This ensures there is no surprises when the pull requests are merged and the regressions are minimized.
To help with the cost optimizations, there is the possibility of sharing the services and dependencies between the preview environment and the dev environment. Sharing it with the prod, however, is way too risky and outweights the benefits; any proposed change in the pull request is error prone and susceptible to bugs and regressions that can have an unpredictable impact to your end-users.
flowchart TB
mainBranch[Main Branch]
pullRequestBranch[Pull Request Branch]
mainBranch -->|checkout -b| pullRequestBranch
subgraph devEnv["Live Dev Environment"]
subgraph previewEnv["Preview Environment"]
subgraph dbEnv["Dev Dependencies"]
postgresDB[(PostgreSQL Database)]
liveDevInstance -->|Connects to| postgresDB
previewInstance -->|Connects to| postgresDB
mainBranch -->|Deploys to| devEnv
pullRequestBranch --> previewEnv
classDef dottedBox fill:none,stroke-dasharray: 5 5;
class devEnv,previewEnv,dbEnv dottedBox;
Additionally, depending on the structure and deployment of the dev or prod environment, the preview environment is accessible from the internet using a unique URL, e.g.,
Having an internet-accessible endpoint allows other team members to test, review and verify the proposed changes in the pull request as a live instance. This greatly facilitates team working for organizations working in an async fashion, possibly from different timezones, to collaborate and provide feedback on the changes as soon as possible, with the least delay and to help unblock the merge queue.
What Preview Environment is NOT?¶
It's important to highlight that in no way the preview environment can be a substitute for regular workflow of the software development lifecycle.
Even with a preview environment for each pull request, the author of the changes still need to locally run the application, review, test and verify that everything works as expected.
Moreover, the automated tests of the application need to run before or at least during the deployment of the preview environment. You should, at the very least, run your small and fast unit tests locally before pushing the changes to the pull request branch.
The preview environment is a powerful tool, but it's not a silver bullet. At the end of the day, when all is said and done, no tool and technology can replace the engineering culture and mindset of the team.
Why is Preview Environments Beneficial?¶
Working in a team and receiving instant feedback from the impact of your work is essential to the success of the project. It allows using all the powers of the team combined, and not just the sum of each individual's effort.
Here are the main reasons why you should consider setting up preview environments for each pull request.
- Speeds up the feedback loop: The preview environment allows the author of the pull request and the reviewers to see the new revisions instantly. This greatly speeds up the feedback loop and the approval process.
- Enhanced continuous integration: Having fast and short feedback loop upon code reviews, as well as the automated tests running in parallel, allows the dev team to see their changes faster in the codebase, giving the sense of accomplishment.
- Powers up the code reviews: The reviewers have less manual labor to deal with when verifying the integrity and correctness of the new revision of the code. The live instance of the application can quickly give a look 'n feel of the changes and the impact it will have on the application.
- Improved (remote) collaboration: People have different task priorities on their working day and one may or may not be able to review a change in the codebase at the same time as the author. The preview environment facilitates asynchronous collaboration.
- Better developer/testing experience: Having instant access to an already deployed instance of the new application is a boost in productivity, enabling fast validation within the dev team as well as the product team.
- Short merge queues: A better code review results in instant verification. Having the newer revision of the app available for testing on-demand significantly increases the likelihood of convincing reviewers to provide input and feedback. This is because there is less resistance due to the time required for testing.
How to Set Up Preview Environments for Pull Requests?¶
Based on the infrastructure you will work with, the setup will vary greatly. However, for the purpose of this blog post, we have chosen the following tech stack:
- A running Kubernetes v1.30-ish cluster. Feel free to pick your preferred method for bootstraping a cluster. You are more than welcome to consult our archive if you need help setting up a cluster:
- GitHub Actions for the CI/CD pipeline.
- FluxCD for the GitOps deployment.
- cert-manager for the TLS certificates.
- Kustomization for the Kubernetes manifests.
For the implementation of this task, we aim to achieve the following tasks sequentially:
- Create a base Kustomization for the application.
- Create two overlays on top of it, one for dev deployment and the other for preview deployments (per each pull request).
- Fetch the wildcard TLS certificate to be used by the preview environment stacks.
- Write the GitHub Actions workflow to deploy and teardown the preview environment on-demand based on the labels of the pull request.
Base Kustomization for the Application¶
Now that you know the steps we will cover, let's get our hands dirty and roll up our system administration sleeves.
The following code snippets are using a sample echo-server
application written by us1. Though, the principle and the setup can be applied to any application you are working with.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: echo-server
- protocol: TCP
port: 80
targetPort: http
type: ClusterIP
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: echo-server
replicas: 1
- envFrom:
- configMapRef:
name: echo-server
name: echo-server
- containerPort: 8000
name: http
- name: echo-server
- configs.env
- name:
- service.yml
- deployment.yml
- source:
kind: ConfigMap
name: echo-server
fieldPath: data.PORT
- select:
name: echo-server
kind: Deployment
- spec.template.spec.containers.[name=echo-server].ports.[name=http].containerPort
commonLabels: echo-server echo-server 1.0.0 echo-server echo-server kustomize
Overlay for Dev Deployment¶
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: echo-server
replicas: 1
- envFrom:
- configMapRef:
name: echo-server
name: echo-server
cpu: 100m
memory: 128Mi
cpu: 5m
memory: 8Mi
kind: HTTPRoute
name: echo-server
- group:
kind: Gateway
name: developer-friendly-blog
namespace: cert-manager
sectionName: https
- backendRefs:
- kind: Service
name: echo-server
port: 80
- responseHeaderModifier:
- name: Strict-Transport-Security
value: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload
type: ResponseHeaderModifier
- path:
type: PathPrefix
value: /
- name: echo-server
- configs.env
behavior: merge
- name:
newTag: "9624879503"
- ../../base
- path: deployment.yml
commonLabels: echo-server echo-server 1.0.0 echo-server echo-server kustomize
env: dev
With our dev stack ready, we can simply deploy it to our cluster with the following FluxCD CRD resource:
kind: Kustomization
name: echo-server
namespace: flux-system
force: false
interval: 5m
path: ./echo-server/overlays/dev
prune: true
kind: GitRepository
name: flux-system
targetNamespace: default
wait: true
Overlay for Preview Deployment¶
kind: HTTPRoute
name: echo-server
- group:
kind: Gateway
name: developer-friendly-blog
namespace: cert-manager
sectionName: https
- backendRefs:
- kind: Service
name: echo-server-${PR_NUMBER}
port: 80
- responseHeaderModifier:
- name: Strict-Transport-Security
value: max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload
type: ResponseHeaderModifier
- path:
type: PathPrefix
value: /
- name:
newTag: ${IMAGE_TAG}
- ../../base
- httproute.yml
commonLabels: echo-server echo-server 1.0.0 echo-server echo-server kustomize
env: test
test: ${PR_NUMBER}
Notice that on this stack, you see a couple of placeholders in the format of bash interpolation, e.g., ${IMAGE_TAG}
and ${PR_NUMBER}
. These are not known at the time of writing. Instead, they are dynamically generated values coming from our GitHub Actions CI workflow which you will see shortly.
With our preview environment definition ready, we should set up some of the other relevant and required components before being able to deploy it to our cluster.
Fetching the Wildcard TLS Certificate¶
We have already covered the ins and outs of cert-manager in our earlier guide. If you need a refresher, check out the following blog post:
cert-manager: All-in-One Kubernetes TLS Certificate Manager
Using that stack, we can create a wildcard TLS certificate with the following CRD resource:
kind: Certificate
name: developer-friendly-blog
namespace: cert-manager
- "*"
- "*"
kind: ClusterIssuer
name: cloudflare-issuer
secretName: developer-friendly-blog-tls
Having a wildcard TLS certificate is a crucial component of this set up. Because every one of our pull request deployment will have a different URL, dynamically generated with a specific pattern in the following form:
GitHub Actions Workflow¶
The last piece of the puzzle is what glues the whole setup together. The CI definition is satisfying the following criteria:
For every push to the branch of the pull-requset, if the pull-request is still open and labeled deploy-preview
, create the corresponding Kustomization stack with all the values initialized.
To make it easier to grasp the whole picture, we will break down the workflow into smaller chunks, explain each as deserved, and then put them all together into one single whole.
Workflow Concurrency¶
After naming the workflow with a desired value, we are prohibiting the concurrent runs of our job. This ensures that new CI runs will replace the old ones and we won't be billed for the obsolete run that is no longer up to date with our latest changes of the application.
name: ci
cancel-in-progress: true
group: ci-${{ github.ref_name }}-${{ github.event_name }}
Trigger on Pull Request¶
The events that we want this CI to be triggered are the ones that involve updates to the pull request. It can either be closed, opened, re-opened, labeled and un-labeled, etc.. These will ensure that any push to the open pull request will trigger the run of our job.
- main
- opened
- synchronize
- reopened
- ready_for_review
- labeled
- unlabeled
- closed
Consequently, the conditional of the job will check for a match on the event and its relevant attribute when being invoked.
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
if: |
github.event_name == 'pull_request' &&
github.event.pull_request.state == 'open' &&
contains(github.event.pull_request.labels.*.name, 'deploy-preview')
Build Image Job Permission¶
The runner job that will build our Docker image will require write access to the GitHub Container Registry also known as
. This is where we will store and retrieve our Docker images.
Build and Push Docker Image¶
These steps will build the Docker image as instructed by the repository's Dockerfile
and push the image to the
, later to be used by our cluster when fetching the new image tag.
IMAGE_REPOSITORY:${{ github.repository }}
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Set up QEMU
uses: docker/setup-qemu-action@v3
- name: Set up Docker Buildx
uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v3
- name: Login to GitHub Container Registry
uses: docker/login-action@v3
password: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
username: ${{ }}
- id: meta
name: Docker metadata
uses: docker/metadata-action@v5
images: ${{ env.IMAGE_REPOSITORY }}
- id: build-push
name: Build and push
uses: docker/build-push-action@v6
cache-from: type=gha
cache-to: type=gha,mode=max
labels: ${{ steps.meta.outputs.labels }}
push: true
platforms: linux/amd64,linux/arm64
tags: |
${{ steps.meta.outputs.tags }}
${{ env.IMAGE_REPOSITORY }}:${{ github.run_id }}
Pay close attention to the image tag we are instructing the build step to use. We need the ${{ env.IMAGE_REPOSITORY }}:${{ github.run_id }}
to be among the tags that the Docker image is built with.
This will allow us to use the same reference when updating the preview stack with a new image tag.
Forgetting this step, and we might end up in a situation where our Kubernetes Deployment is not up-to-date because the imagePullPolicy
is by default set to IfNotPresent
and the image tag is not updated, resulting in using the old image.
The important and very useful note to mention here is that github.run_id
is monotonic and guaranteed to be unique for each run of the workflow2. This gives us perfect control over the image tag and the idempotency we require.
Deploy Job on self-hosted Runner¶
One of the main concerns of an operational team should be the security and protection of the Kubernetes API Server.
Whether or not you are using a managed Kubernetes cluster, your API Server should be protected by firewall rules from a certain trusted IP addresses.
Those trusted IP addresses will include yours, anyone in your team that ought to send requests to the Kubernetes server, as well as your CI runner public IP address.
The CI runner has to have an static IP address for this to work. Otherwise, you will end up hacking your way into Kubernetes, e.g., by having an step in your CI definition to add the current runner IP address to the firewall rules; it's an extra step that will not benefit your maintenance costs!
As such, the solution is to either use GitHub large runners3 or spin up your own VM, assign it an static public IP address and add that address to the list of authorized IPs of the Kubernetes API Server.
The following example uses the latter approach, using a self-hosted GitHub runner4.
Set up the Environment Variables¶
As mentioned before, we will use some of the dynamic values during our CI run. That allows passing values that are otherwise not known at the definition stage.
These values are provided to the runner in its definition in the following manner:
PR_NUMBER: pr${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}
IMAGE_TAG: ${{ github.run_id }}
Eventually the above values will be something like the following:
Deploy Job Permissions¶
Our deployment runner will require write access to the pull request to print out the internet-accessible URL of the preview environment.
That is granted as below:
Preview FluxCD Kustomization¶
We need a FluxCD Kustomization stack to be created dynamically for each pull request. This will be very similar to what we had with kustomize/dev.yml
earlier, yet some of the values will obviously differ.
This is the Kustomization that'll be used inside the CI.
kind: Kustomization
name: echo-server-${{ env.PR_NUMBER }}
namespace: flux-system
force: false
interval: 5m
nameSuffix: -${{ env.PR_NUMBER }}
path: ./echo-server/overlays/test
IMAGE_TAG: "${{ env.IMAGE_TAG }}"
prune: true
kind: GitRepository
name: flux-system
targetNamespace: default
wait: true
Let's pass that YAML file as a string into the CI.
- name: Prepare the manifest
run: |
cat << 'EOF' > manifest.yml
- name: Apply the stack
run: kubectl apply -f manifest.yml
Maybe! It's your call to define how complex is complex. Yet this is a working example of something you can use. Or, if you prefer something different, you can take inspiration from what you got here and apply it with your principle and your preferred style to your environment.
Comment the URL to the Pull Request¶
The last part of our deployment CI is to print out the URL of the preview environment on the pull request5. This will allow the subscribers of the pull request to be notified that the new stack is ready and can be accessed.
- name: Comment PR
uses: meysam81/comment-pr@v1
title: "# Preview Deployment"
content: >-
<https://${{ env.PR_NUMBER }}>
token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
Successful run of this step will result in the following comment.

Preview Environment
Deploying our echo-server
, we will get the following response if we access it from the browser.
"client": {
"host": "",
"port": 35585
"cookies": {},
"endpoint": "/",
"headers": {
"accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,*/*;q=0.8",
"accept-encoding": "gzip, deflate, br, zstd",
"accept-language": "en-US",
"dnt": "1",
"host": "",
"priority": "u=1",
"referer": "",
"sec-fetch-dest": "document",
"sec-fetch-mode": "navigate",
"sec-fetch-site": "cross-site",
"sec-fetch-user": "?1",
"sec-gpc": "1",
"upgrade-insecure-requests": "1",
"user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:127.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/127.0",
"x-envoy-expected-rq-timeout-ms": "15000",
"x-envoy-internal": "true",
"x-forwarded-for": "",
"x-forwarded-proto": "https",
"x-request-id": "786ea155-8f9e-41ef-ad40-1a0bdcc7a244"
"method": "GET",
"params": {},
"server": {
"host": "",
"scheme": "HTTPS"
"time": {
"epoch": 1719146905,
"isoformat": "2024-06-23T12:48:25.287742420+00:00"
Teardown the Preview Environment¶
We have only discussed how to set up the environment so far. But, once the pull request is closed or the label is removed, we want to remove the stack as well. That ensures that there is no lingering stack left in our stuck to occupy our precious resources.
The teardown of the preview environment is similar to what we had so far, only with a change of conditional.
runs-on: self-hosted
if: |
github.event_name == 'pull_request' &&
github.event.action == 'closed'
) || (
github.event_name == 'pull_request' &&
github.event.action == 'unlabeled' &&
! contains(github.event.pull_request.labels.*.name, 'deploy-preview')
Notice how powerful it can be to customize the conditional of the job. Consider the value to the if
conditiona to be an string. Passing multi-line string to a YAML can be achieved with |
(pipe characters)6.
We will also require the same permission and environment variables as before.
PR_NUMBER: pr${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}
pull-requests: write
Remove the Preview Stack from the Cluster¶
The removal of the Kustomization stack is a simple kubectl
- name: Delete the stack
run: |
kubectl delete kustomization \
echo-server-${{ env.PR_NUMBER }} \
-n flux-system
Remove the Comment from the Pull Request¶
The last step of the teardown is to remove the comment from the pull request. The rationale is that we no longer need an inaccessible URL to be present in our pull request.
- name: Comment PR
uses: meysam81/comment-pr@v1
title: "# Preview Deployment"
content: ""
token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
state: absent
The title
of the comment ensures the uniqueness of the comment and must be provided. This allows the removal of such comment by searching for that exact text.
Full CI Definition
The full CI definition is as follows:
name: ci
cancel-in-progress: true
group: ci-${{ github.ref_name }}-${{ github.event_name }}
- main
- opened
- synchronize
- reopened
- ready_for_review
- labeled
- unlabeled
- closed
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
if: |
github.event_name == 'pull_request' &&
github.event.pull_request.state == 'open' &&
contains(github.event.pull_request.labels.*.name, 'deploy-preview')
contents: read
packages: write
IMAGE_REPOSITORY:${{ github.repository }}
- name: Checkout
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Set up QEMU
uses: docker/setup-qemu-action@v3
- name: Set up Docker Buildx
uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@v3
- name: Login to GitHub Container Registry
uses: docker/login-action@v3
password: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
username: ${{ }}
- id: meta
name: Docker metadata
uses: docker/metadata-action@v5
images: ${{ env.IMAGE_REPOSITORY }}
- id: build-push
name: Build and push
uses: docker/build-push-action@v6
cache-from: type=gha
cache-to: type=gha,mode=max
labels: ${{ steps.meta.outputs.labels }}
push: true
platforms: linux/amd64,linux/arm64
tags: |
${{ steps.meta.outputs.tags }}
${{ env.IMAGE_REPOSITORY }}:${{ github.run_id }}
runs-on: self-hosted
needs: build-preview
PR_NUMBER: pr${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}
IMAGE_TAG: ${{ github.run_id }}
pull-requests: write
- name: Prepare the manifest
run: |
cat << 'EOF' > manifest.yml
- name: Apply the stack
run: kubectl apply -f manifest.yml
- name: Comment PR
uses: meysam81/comment-pr@v1
title: "# Preview Deployment"
content: >-
<https://${{ env.PR_NUMBER }}>
token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
runs-on: self-hosted
if: |
github.event_name == 'pull_request' &&
github.event.action == 'closed'
) || (
github.event_name == 'pull_request' &&
github.event.action == 'unlabeled' &&
! contains(github.event.pull_request.labels.*.name, 'deploy-preview')
PR_NUMBER: pr${{ github.event.pull_request.number }}
pull-requests: write
- name: Delete the stack
run: |
kubectl delete kustomization \
echo-server-${{ env.PR_NUMBER }} \
-n flux-system
- name: Comment PR
uses: meysam81/comment-pr@v1
title: "# Preview Deployment"
content: ""
token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
state: absent
We have discussed one of the common patterns of working in a team environment and collaborating on the codebase, while increasing the efficiency of the processes and reducing the frictions by employing the powers of the modern technologies and tools.
At this point, we should highlight some of the considerations so that you can have a better understanding of what it actually takes to set this up for yourself and your team.
How Much Shared is Shared?¶
We have mentioned earlier that it is better to re-use the same resources and dependencies as you have in your dev environment. But how much shared should it be? Would you give your backend application all the access to the dev database and caching system? Or do you separate them into different networks?
The answer to this question is the undesired and ever so common it depends. We cannot provide you a general and universal recipe for what may or may not work.
The goal of this article has been to provide you with a starting point, accompanied with a practical example to solidify the concept.
However, the devil is in the details. When trying to adopt this pattern, you ought to consider the limitations and the constraints of your environment for yourself and decide accordingly.
Is GitOps Required for this?¶
It is not.
You are free to use any other deployment method that you or your team are comfortable with.
The GitOps and the selected tool here, FluxCD, is just one way of doing things. That just happens to be the preferred way of doing things by the author.
RBAC, Yes or No?¶
It is absolutely crucial to set up RBAC in your Kubernetes cluster to avoid unintended suprises and unauthorized access to your resources.
Specifically, the CI runner should have the least amount of permissions to do its job.
Go through the resources being created in such a job and make sure you do not give it more permissions than it actually needs.
At any point in time when you realize that your CI needs more permissions, you will be able to grant it such, but no sooner than that.
How Much Resource to Allocate?¶
The preview environment is a live instance of the application. It will require nearly as much as what you are using in your dev environment.
As such, and if you're running in a constrained environment, you should seriously consider using LimitRange
7 and/or ResourceQuota
8 to avoid overloading your cluster and causing resource contention.
How to Handle Secrets?¶
There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question.
You may have picked one or a combination of tools to manage your secrets. As such, managing secrets for your preview environments should be a deliberate and informed decision on your part.
If it helps, you are more than welcome to take a look at our earlier guide on External Secrets in this blog post:
External Secrets Operator: Fetching AWS SSM Parameters into Azure AKS
Do Not Forget About Monitoring and Alerting¶
It is imperative to have monitoring and alerting set up for your preview environments just as you have for your dev and prod environments.
Nothing is more frustrating than having a broken preview environment and not knowing about it until someone reports it.
What's with the Comment on the Pull Request?¶
This is just a nice-to-have feature. It is not required for the setup to work. However, bear in mind that such a comment can be a good indicator that the preview environment is ready and can be accessed.
It also notifies all the subscribers of the pull request. This is perfect if you want to maximize your throughput, tending to other tasks while waiting for the feedback on the pull request.
What are the Alternatives?¶
This type of preview deployments might be cumbersome to setup & hard to maintain.
If your organization is willing to spend money, there are paid solutions that take away the pain from your shoulders, e.g., PullPreview9.
There are also other ways that employ Terraform, env010, AWS CDK11, CloudFormation12 and/or other Infrastructure as Code tools to achieve the same goal.
The choice is yours to make. Just make sure it's an informed one.
When working in a team environment, it is vital to have a fast feedback loop on the development process. This motivates the team members to see their changes faster and merge their code with confidence.
The confidence that will result from the preview environments created to provide a visual and facilitate the testing of the proposed changes in the pull request in a live instance.
There is no replacement for a solid engineering culture. The automated tests and a continuous integration of the codebase are the foundation of the modern day software development.
The preview environments are just a tool to help the team members to enhance their collaboration, improve the efficiency of code reviews and shorten the merge queue.
With faster feedback loops, even your customer is happier, seeing the features and bugfixes being deployed faster.
This article should give you a good starting point to set up preview environments. Though this is only one of the many ways to achieve the same goal. Make sure you understand the pieces involved and the requirement to make it work in your environment.
I hope you have enjoyed reading this article as much as I did writing it. For further questions and discussions, feel free to leave a comment.
Until next time , ciao
& happy coding!
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